Common Learning Outcomes for ENGR 120, 121 and 122: Students completing ENGR 122 will be able to . . .
1 | Use student-owned tools such to complete assignments, including screwdrivers, wire strippers, pliers, screwdrivers, multimeters, and dial calipers. |
2 | Use university-owned tools and equipment to complete projects, including hand drills, milling machines, lathes, sheet metal brakes /shears, soldering irons, taps, 3D printers, and microfabrication equipment. |
3 | Utilize an Arduino microcontroller in sensing and control projects, incorporating elements such as LEDs, piezospeakers, servos, photoresistors, switches, conductivity sensors, temperature sensors, transistors, relays, heaters, solenoid valves, RF remote control, and IR object detection. |
4 | Locate specifications of parts and supplies from manufacturers and retailers. |
5 | Gain proficiency in Arduino programming, SolidWorks, Mathcad, Excel, and PowerPoint. |
6 | Attend student society meetings (five per quarter). |
7 | Complete a service project (one five-hour project per quarter). |
8 | Understand global and societal concerns and their implications in a broad engineering context. |
9 | Use creative techniques to solve problems. |
10 | Work collaboratively with others; learn how different personalities can contribute to a team. |
11 | Utilize prescribed solution format when solving problems. |
12 | Present results of assignments and projects in written and oral formats. |
13 | Use linear regression to determine calibration equations. |
14 | Apply conservation of energy to systems with fluid, mechanical and electrical elements. |
Learning Outcomes Specific to ENGR 122: Students completing ENGR 122 will be able to . . .
1 | Apply conservation of energy to the lifting of a weight using a hobby servo (electrical energy in, potential energy change of weight, servo efficiency). |
2 | Solve statics problems (force components, 2D equilibrium of concurrent force systems, moment of a force system about a point, equilibrium of 2D non-concurrent force systems, and analysis of torques in a gearbox). |
3 | Solve engineering economics problems. |
4 | Apply the IDEO design process to develop a smart product, making use of technical and non-technical skills learned during the first-year course sequence. Teams of two to four students select their own design problem, render multiple prototypes, and present their designs at our Freshman Design Expo. Most student teams utilize parts and sensors that were not covered earlier in the first-year experience. |